
The market offers a multitude of consultants who advertise efficient development of proposals and message delivery through application of "canned" processes. The key to success, however, is not to allow the message to be lost in the forced application of a rigid process approach. Allan Consulting offers a full range of standard process support to proposal and message development, but ensures that these processes are tools used in support of the overall objective to develop and deliver a compelling story.

Process Tools

  • Compliance-based outlines
  • Review of author contracts / storyboards / mockups
  • Managed input from subject matter experts through focused charters for white paper development
  • Color Teams (Pink; Red; Green)
  • Electronic-based reviews for easy and complete consolidation of comments
  • Orals presentation development
  • Orals presentation skills training
  • Sample problem and question/answer scenarios
  • Key personnel interview training

Allan Consulting has the experience to apply the proper tools effectively and flexibly to ensure optimum actions and operations in support of your end objective. Our tool box contains the full range of established proposal, orals, and message communication tools, but they are applied appropriately and only when they are the right tools for the job.


Allan Consulting : 12224 Fredericksburg Blvd : Knoxville, TN 37922 : : 865.556.0657
Copyright 2019 Allan Consulting. All rights reserved.